Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Hannah

Today I had my first birthday party.

Mom put up lots of decorations. We had a heart theme because I'm a little sweetheart (also because my b-day is the day before Valentines).

My friends came over and played with me.

There were lots of snacks but most important, I got to eat my first piece of cake. Yummy!!!

All of my friends and family were great and got me gifts. I really liked playing with all the wrapping paper.

I had a great 1st Birthday.


Charlotte McDonald said...

Thank you for inviting us into your blog. I'm not very good at keeping up with these, but it was fun to see you and your family. Hannah looks SO cute!
Love, Aunt Charlotte

alisa said...

Wow! That is an old pic of Han. & Aub. Crazy how fast they grow. Cute blog.