Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Potting Training Attempt #1

Hannah has been asking to use the toilet since she was about a year and a half but every time we put her on it she gets scared and jumps right off. Last she asked to use the toilet but this time when I put her on she stayed and even said she wasn't scared. All morning long she wouldn't put on her diaper and kept sitting on the toilet and even went pee pee. I was so excited and decided that this was the perfect chance to attempt potty training. We went to the store and bought a Sesame Street book about potty training, a pink step stool so she could climb up on the toilet and big girl undies (Hannah picked these out and she got princesses and sesame street ones).

Armed with our new tools, we went home. I read her the book where Elmo tells how to use the toilet and wash your hands afterwards. Hannah climbed on the toilet using her new pink stool about every ten minutes and peed and pooped. Despite this Hannah had several accidents. I soon realized that Hannah was only barely going in the toilet and then would get off and have an accident a few minutes later. I tried keeping her on the toilet longer by sitting with her and reading books but didn't have much success. She also could tell me when she had to go poop but not pee. So after several days and numerous accidents we decided to put potty training on hold. (though Hannah still doesn't want to wear her diaper)

Hannah actually fell in the toilet right as I was snapping this shot (perfect timing)!


Trisha said...

How way cute. I remember those days. Wish I knew about blogging then.

Bryce and Amy said...

Tell her the Poop Poop Monster is going to get her if she poops in her undies. Actually, that sounds really mean. Don't do it. We potty trained Gunner and he did awesome for about a month. Then all of a sudden, he was done going potty on the toilet and went back to having accidents and wanting to wear a diaper. The Poop Poop Monster has come along and he is doing much better now.

Laura C. said...

I've attempted twice now w/ Sarina. She still just pees all over my house. I'll wait a bit before trying again - but I'd REALLY like to have it done before baby comes along!

The falling in pic is classic! Love it.