Thursday, August 20, 2009

Simmons European Vacation - Freiberg and Dresden

After spending several days in Prague, we decided to take a day trip to visit the Freiberg Temple. It is always wonderful to be at the temple with your family but for me the highlight was being able to see my Mission President and his wife, Frank and Helga Apel. He is now the Freiberg Temple President. We didn't get to catch up much but it was great to see them.

On the way back to Prague we were able to spend several hours in Dresden. Dresden was leveled during WWII but they have really started to rebuild it. The old historic part lies right on the Elbe river and is beautiful. We were only able to spend several hours in Dresden and the first part was spent visiting a famous renaissance gallery called the Old Master's Gallery. Here's the entrance and courtyard.

The rest of the time we just spent wandering around the city. Here's some of our favorite pictures.


Rebecca said...

Europe!? Wow, those buildings are awesome. I LOVE historical architecture. Looks like a LOT of fun!

Mom/Cindy said...

That was a great day. Sooooo glad we were able to do it together. Great Pics.