Wednesday, October 21, 2009

football, helmet and undies?

It's fall again and in our house that means college football on Saturdays (and Thursdays and occasional Fridays and pretty much every other day of the week. thank you DVR). Brian and I have a kind of unspoken deal, he gets to watch all the college football he wants and for the rest of the year sports are cut down to a minimum. Well Saturday morning I ran some errands and left Brian home with the girl. I came home to find her like this. Football, helmet and only undies? doing the Heisman.


Mom/Cindy said...

Looking good. It's all a matter of priorities! Very fun. Thanks for sharing.

Love ya,

Shannon said...

hahahahahahah! I couldnt stop laughing with this pic! Wow. What a ham...

Cheralyn said...

hahaha! Too funny. She looks super cute though!

Bryce and Amy said...

What a fun dad!!