Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's a girl

My friends that don't live close enough to have seen that I am pregnant recently pointed out that I never blogged the news. I am pregnant with a girl and due on May 21st. I actually started this post back in December and was just waiting for our ultrasound to post it. Well, our scanner has been on the fritz and I never got any of the pics uploaded and promptly forgot that I never posted about the pregnancy. So here it is better late than never.

We are so excited, especially Hannah. Hannah started telling people that her mommy "had a baby in her tummy" before we actually sat down and told her. Hannah is already saying that she is a big sister and knew from the beginning that it was a girl. Hannah likes to lift up my shirt so she can see my tummy and talks to the baby. Here conversations usually go like this....

"Hi baby Diamond. This is Hannah. I'm your big sister. I'm going to play with you and you can sleep in my crib. I'll sing you a song... (it's always Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)."

So you may have noticed that she called the baby "baby Diamond". Right after we told Hannah about the baby, we asked her what we should name her. Hannah immediately said "Diamond". We laughed and thought that was cute but assumed it would be one of many names Hannah would suggest over the pregnancy. Well, Hannah has never wavered and has just become firmer in the fact that the baby must be named Diamond. (She also says that the baby will have purple eyes.) So here was a recent conversation we had...

Me: "Hannah, can you say Grace?" (that's one of the names that we really like)
Hannah: "Mom, can you sat Diamond?"
Me: "Her nickname can be Gracie. Try Gracie."
Hannah: "Here nickname can be Diamond". Then, with quivering lips and tears that she has learned to come up with on cue, "If you name her Grace I will be very sad. "

What can you say to that?

With less than two weeks to go, we've been busy getting ready for baby Diamond. We finally got the crib set up and pulled out all the rest of the baby stuff. Now, we're just excited for her to come!


Laura C. said...

My sister's little boy called his baby sister Liliana for several months after she was born. Her name is Mia.

Diamond can always be a nickname reserved especially for her big sister. :) Good luck!

Bryce and Amy said...

Yeah, I'm so excited for you to have another baby. I can't wait to find out what the name will be. I've always loved he name Grace and I would name a daughter it, but it wasn't outdoorsy enough for Bryce.

Whitney said...

I'm so excited for you Andrea! I think you should name her Gnade, not Grace. In any case, you should translate whatever name you choose into'd better start teaching Hannah that her sister's name is Diamant!

Here at home said...

Congratulations! You're so close! I can't wait to see pictures. I'm so excited for you.
I like Grace. Diamond could make a cute middle name. :)

Nicole said...

Grace Diamond works too.

Elder and Sister Sawyer said...

Still think you should call her Lucy Diamond Simmons...Or better yet, Lucy Skye Diamond Simmons. Great song and it's NOT about LSD. Well, at least that what John always said.

James said...

If you let a toddler pick out a name you could end up with a name like Candice Delight.

Olesia said...

Congrats Andrea! So exciting that you are having the baby so soon! Cant wait to see pictures. Hannah is going to be a great sister Diamond:)

Amanda said...

Such a cute story! I like the name Grace! Congrats!!