Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm proud to be an American

We had a great 4th of July. We kicked it off our holiday with our stake's pancake breakfast. They have a great little band playing patriotic music (I'm a big fan of any holidays that come with music.) and we get to catch up with friends from our old wards. Everyone is sporting red, white and blue and it was a great way to start off the day.
We continued our celebration with some pool time.
In the evening, my family came over for a BBQ, ice cream cones and fireworks.

Apparently, the fireworks weren't exciting enough by themselves for the teenagers. They decided it was much more entertaining to jump over the fireworks.

Hannah made her hands like binoculars and watched all the fireworks that way.


Cheralyn said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time! I can't believe the jumping over the firworks - too funny!

Grampa Doug said...

Wonderful family memories of the 4th. You will look back on these and wonder where the time went. Thanks for sharing with us here is Siberia. We too are proud to be Americans. Thanks for your patriotism.

Grammie & grampadoug

Amanda said...

Hannah is such a cutie!

Sara said...

Love the daddy daughter picture with the sunglasses, too cute!